3rd Advanced Marketing

By Josiah Go

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During the 2-part live interactive course, Josiah Go, the most awarded business educator in the Philippines, will speak on six different but inter-related topics and share generous number of cases, both classics and contemporary, local and international.

Key Topics

Part 1: Strategy

Session 1: Business Model Innovation

How can business executives reinvent their 3 commercial mandates -- create, deliver and capture value.

  • Principle of Selectivity
    How competing companies can each launch business model innovation in the same industry?

  • How to know if your business model is sound

  • Improving your business model

  • Cases in office equipment and coffee
    Cases from USA and Netherland

Beyond existing market, market development can offer new routes to recover lost sales from existing market and/or expand new revenue and profit source.

  • 4 Issues with contemporary marketing

  • Market-Driven vs Market-Driving

  • MDS that are not product related

  • Finding the 4 levels of differentiation

  • What is not Market-Driving 

  • Cases in baby products, brandy, chocolates, medical, music, noodles

  • Cases from China, Netherland, Philippines

Get to understand what you need to know about sensemaking, discovering, innovating, influencing and executing, and why they are an integrated system.

  • Sensemaking, discovering, innovating, influencing and executing

  • 4 Steps to determine your “Right to Win”

  • Heuristics and biases

  • Problem with traditional market driven thinking

  • How to improve sensemaking

  •  4 discovery skills to connect the dots

  • Aoiding the 10 barriers to innovating

  • 4 questions to help breaking out of status quo

  • Leadership and management within the 5 Skills Framework

  • Cases in ice cream, pharmaceutical, photography

  • Cases from Afghanistan, Philippines, USA

Part 2: Marketing

Avoiding cut and paste tactics requires a new way to think of how to offer your marketing mix individually or as a whole, we will share our framework how to do this on demand to save you time.

  • From Insights to Big Idea

  • Internal launch

  • 5 ways to think of new ideas on demand

  • How to be more creative

  • Cases in eye care, food, funeral, health device, pre need, sms, underwear

  • Cases from Brazil, Germany, Holland, Malaysia, Philippines, USA

Opportunity-seeking first before marketing plan. We will teach you 40 ways to apply.

  • 5 vectors of growth

  • 8 routes to more profit

  • 5 traps to growth

  • Cases in app, food, geography ecosystem, medical, motel, pharmaceutical, social enterprise, solar

  • Cases from Indonesia, Philippines, Switzerland

Session 6: Defense Marketing

Competitors will be envious of you and sooner or later will attack you, will you be ready?

  • Why you need defense lenses

  • 8 tests to determining your probability of being attacked

  • Understanding consumer decision interfaces

  • How brick & mortar retailers can compete with online alternatives

  • How to anticipate competitive moves and defend your brand

  • Cases in alcoholic drinks, online, soap, supermarket


March 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24
9:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Who Should Attend

Marketing Team, Brand Teams, Strategy Teams


Lecture, Small Group Discussion, Reflection, Short AVP, Q&A


Josiah Go

Chairman and Chief Innovation Strategist
  • Record-breaking, bestselling author 19 books in marketing and entrepreneurship

  • Chairman of Waters Philippines (the market leader in the direct selling of premium home water purifiers in the Philippines) and Chairman / Vice Chairman / Director of over a dozen companies (the most recent is an Independent Director at UnionBank of the Philippines).

  • The most awarded business educator of the Philippines: one of the Agora Awardees in 1994, one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) of the Philippines in 2001, one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of the World in 2002 (the 1st and only Filipino in Business Education given by JCI International by far), and one of only two Lifetime Achievement Awardees by the Association of Marketing Educators (2007), the youngest marketing educator to be bestowed this honor. He was also given the Brand Leadership Award during the World Brand Congress in India (2009). His accomplishments was recognized by the international community where he has been included in the 10th edition of the International Who’s Who of Intellectuals (England).

  • He is an Executive Scholar of the Kellogg Business School (in Marketing and Sales Management) as well as the MIT Sloan (in Strategy and Innovation).

  • He also took advanced marketing programs at Wharton, Harvard and at the London Business School. 

Date & Time
March 8, 2022
Start - 9:30 AM
March 24, 2022
End - 12:00 PM Asia/Manila

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Mansmith and Fielders, Inc.

0918-811-6888 • 0917-627-1888

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