75th From Selling to Managing

By Emilio Macasaet III

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You are a high-caliber salesperson who finally got your well deserved reward – a promotion to field sales manager. Suddenly, you realized you are facing a host of diverse responsibilities largely unfamiliar to you. To start on the right foot, what do you do? You will significantly benefit if you quickly discover the significant role changes that occur with promotion to manager. It is extremely useful to distinguish between these two jobs. This intensive seminar addresses the difficulties inherent in moving up from selling to managing, and will give the newly appointed field sales manager the skills needed to be a success – again! Activity workshops that direct participants to conduct active ADULT learning activities on their own follow each core topic to enhance the learning process.

Relevance: This course is tailor-made for top-tier sales professionals who have earned their much-deserved promotion to field sales manager. It offers practical models and tools that facilitate a quick
and efficient shift to new roles, empowering them to achieve success once more!

Uniqueness: This training program stands out due to its comprehensive approach to transitioning newly promoted field sales managers into their roles effectively. It offers a detailed framework of the sales management process, aligning it with the company's overall strategy. The program recognizes that although sales skills might have been the key to their ascent into management, their ongoing success relies on their capacity to assemble and lead a high-performing team.

Believability: The facilitator of this webinar has an impressive career trajectory, starting as a sales trainee managing minor downline accounts and advancing through various roles including sales supervisor, regional sales manager, and national sales manager. Eventually, he ascended to the position of Vice President for Sales and concluded his career as the Vice President of a Sales and Distribution division, retiring at the age of 40. These vast and in-depth experiences were acquired at multinational corporations, all of which are global frontrunners in their respective fields, as well as a significant local company.

Program Overview
Module 1: Introduction : The Sales Management Framework
  • Sales management is one of the most important elements in the success of modern organizations. Not

    only sales is the most expensive component of the marketing mix for most companies, but it is the firm’s

    most direct link to the customer. Providing a framework of the sales management process to newly

    promoted field sales managers is important to guide them on how to align decisions and execute

    marketing plans according to the company’s overall strategy.

  • Key Topics:

    1. Nullifying common myths of management.

    2. TATATO: Key differences between selling and managing.

    3. Framework: Sales Management role in the marketing mix.

    4. Framework: The Sales Management Process.

    5. How field sales managers spend their time.

    6.Case Study: A newly promoted Area Sales Manager (ABC Corp.).

  • The basic responsibilities of excellent Field Sales Managers (FSM) are to direct and control the

    salespeople that report to them. Specifically, FSMs must set objectives, develop plans, execute

    programs, build and motivate their team, and evaluate performance. Although FSMs usually reach their

    positions in the organizations because of their sales ability, their continued success depends on

    planning talent or the ability to determine how to reach agreed objectives according to allocated time

    and resources.

    Part A: Developing A Plan of Action

    You must set objectives with each of the salespeople working under you, and these objectives should

    be arrived at jointly. When each sales rep has a definite set of agreed-upon objectives, then you can sit

    down and develop your own plan of action.

    Key Topics:

    1. Work out agreed-upon objectives with your sales reps.

    2. Understand and use management by specifics.

    3. Discuss your roles in territory management.

    4. Improve your sales reps ability to plan account development.

    5. Discuss your function with respect to Distributors.

    Part B: Organization and Manpower Planning

    After you have completed the planning sessions with your sales reps, you should now be in a position to

    do some fairly accurate estimating with regard to:

    6. Your staffing requirements

    7. The potential of your entire district or region in terms of sales volume.

  • The job of the first line sales manager is the most important position in the entire sales force. Top management determines the direction for the organization, but the first line sales managers ensure that their strategy is executed. A great sales manager turns average salespeople into high performers and achieves good results even with average marketing strategy. As a field sales manager, you can only execute what you planned to do if: you have the right people to do it; and you relentlessly lead your reps to make sure they are reaching the agreed-upon objectives.

    Part A: Getting Eagles (Not Turkeys) In Your Team.

    The success of most marketing programs depends on having skilled sales representatives covering

    each territory, and one of the key jobs of the field sales manager is to ensure that his/her district has

    enough qualified salespeople to execute strategies and serve customer needs.

    Key Topics:

    1. Analyze a sales job

    2. Write a job description and review your current salesmen’s job description.

    3. Discuss hiring criteria for sales jobs.

    4. Understand the Recruitment & Selection Process Framework.

    5. Conduct personality type tests on your own to ‘profile’ your team.

    6. Know what to do with veteran salespeople.

    7. Activity Workshop: A Personality Test.

    Part B: Developing Your Salespeople To Be As Good As You Are.

    Who you hire is important, but not as important as what you do to them after they are hired.

    Salespeople usually do not arrive highly skilled and talented. And you know that their talent will tarnish

    if it is not continually sharpened. It is the FSM’s job to develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies

    of the salespeople. After all, managers succeed when their people succeed.

    Key Topics:

    1. Determinants of Salesperson’s Performance.

    2. Explain why sales training is needed.

    3. Determine training time allocation per type of salesperson.

    4. Discuss the topics to include in the training program.

    5. Understand the use of line, staff, and outside trainers.

    6. Recognize the value of alternative training methods.

    7. Discuss the important benefits of field coaching.

    8. Discuss techniques of doing field coaching.

    Part C: Motivating Your Salespeople.

    “How do I motivate my sales team?” is one of the most common questions asked by a new field sales manager. Salespeople require extra motivation because of the environment in which they operate.

    Field salespeople are continually going from the exhilaration of making a sale to the depression associated of being turned down. Furthermore, salespeople routinely spend long hours on the road away from their families and friends. Faced with these conditions, it is understandable that salespeople may need extra stimulation to do an affective job. This topic describes various ways in which a field sales manager can energize individual salespeople and the team as a whole.

    Key Topics:

    1. The Four theories of individual motivation.

    2. Job Characteristics: What Makes the Sales Job Special?

    3. What programs motivate salespeople.

    4. The characteristics of the sales job favor various motivation strategies.

    5. Discuss 5 key insights for better sales force motivation.

    6. Case Study: A Tale of 5 Salespeople.

  • “How Am I Doing?” It is often a complex task to evaluate the sales performance of individual sales representatives. Salespeople and territories differ, field sales representatives spend much of their time away from their supervisors, and salespeople perform a variety of jobs. Hence, it is necessary to use certain defined performance measurement methods to accomplish this task.

    Part A: The Appraisal Process

    After you have been coaching your sales reps, supervising their work, instructing them, and showing them how to do the job better, you pause and take a long look to determine whether progress is being made. Remember, the main purpose of the appraisal is to help the sales rep improve on performance.

    Key Topics:

    1. The three significant criteria for the appraisal of a sales rep.

    2. Understand the intangible measures for appraisal.

    3. Understand the fundamental principles of an effective appraiser.

    Part B: The Coaching Session.

    After you have made the appraisal, you then review it with the sales rep in a coaching session. You sit down and help the rep answer three very important questions: How am I doing? What do I do next? How can I do it better?

    Key Topics:

    4. The concept of coaching.

    5. Benefits derived from a coaching session.

    6. The 12 suggestions for improving the coaching interview.

    7. Know up to what extent you should be involved in a sales rep’s personal life.

  • As a field sales manager, you are in control of your job when: as a result of sound appraisal and progress toward agreed-upon objectives, you know how to improve performance; and you apply this knowledge to improve planning. But what must you control? Control in this context applies to a system that enables you to be in control of those tasks your superiors expect you to perform, and those tasks that you must perform for and with your salespeople so that both you and they can achieve your respective objectives.

    Key Topics:

    Part A: Management of the Control Function.

    1. Know what you must control and must do to attain such control.

    2. Understand how to organize the control function.

    3. Discuss some uses of the electronic sales tools.

    4. Discuss Activity Management – how to control individual sales reps.


 August 19,20,22,23, 2024 (9AM - 12PM)

Who Should Attend

Channel Managers, Field Sales Managers, Sales Supervisors and Salespersons needing adequate preparation to handle higher responsibilities will definitely benefit from this course.


Four (4) half-day synchronous learning sessions

Lectures / discussions (Q&A)

Break-out sessions / plenary discussions


Emilio Macasaet III

Partner and Chief Channel Marketing Strategist
  • Author of 3 best-selling books (Distributor Management, Key Account Management, and Trade Marketing)

  • Agora Awardee for Marketing Education (2023)

  • Worked in top companies such as Gillette, Nestle, L'Oreal, Metrolab, and RFM (as VP of Sales and Distribution).

  • Marketing Professor at the Ateneo Graduate School of Business (AGSB).

  • Consultant and trainer for clients across Asia.

  • Attended an executive program on Marketing Channels at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago.

Date & Time
August 19, 2024
Start - 9:00 AM
August 23, 2024
End - 12:00 PM Asia/Manila

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Mansmith and Fielders, Inc.

0918-811-6888 • 0917-627-1888

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