Fundamentals of Marketing 2.0
by Chiqui Escareal - Go
Learn applicable frameworks and tools in analyzing your customer, your company and your competitor to come up with a sound marketing mix. This course gives you both classic and updated case examples that are drawn from various industries to ensure that participants are able to relate principles and frameworks to existing challenges they face.
“But I am not from the Marketing Department!”
While most companies have their formal marketing teams, the discipline is not the department’s monopoly. For the company to truly have an edge in the seamless execution of plans, all functional departments must also wear an informal “marketing hat” so everyone is on the same page especially when it comes to strategy execution, using the same language that strengthens the team culture.
This understanding of the integral frameworks of the marketing discipline maps out the 3 cardinal rules of the practice that will help determine the nature of the marketing mix. It will also give an in-depth understanding of the famed P’s of Marketing and what makes a good marketing program.
Each participant will learn:
The integral frameworks of marketing
Tools in understanding your company as well as your customer/consumer
Tools in understanding competitor’s strategy and how to anticipate what they might do next
Appreciation of the different parts of the marketing mix and what contributes to the success of the mix
The company will gain:
Marketing oriented non-marketers who understand that they too have a part in designing the marketing mix
Ease in synchronizing inter-departmental efforts in planning and executing marketing plans/programs via a common marketing language
Program Overview:
The fundamental what’s and how’s of marketing
The different concepts of marketing and how they define your company’s moves and thinking
Know thy customer and consumers
How different market segments behave
What attributes customers look for
Know thy company
Key Factors for Success
Know thy competitors
Who determines competition
Studying competitive moves
Strategic focus and assumptions
The four P’s of marketing and factors affecting each
Different strategic options for each of the P’s
○ New product concept and product positioning
○ How consumers make decisions and evaluate alternatives
○ How to stimulate the buying behavior
○ The concept of product life cycle in the context of creating your mix
The 4 Tasks of Marketing
Be inspired with case examples from the following products/industries:
Airline, Appliances, Automobile Industry, Banking Industry, Beverages/Beer, Bottled water, Clothing Industry, Coffee shop, Consumer Durables, Credit Card, Electronics, Food/Fast Food, Ice Cream, Insurance, Non-profit, OTC Pharma, Skincare, Telcos, Toothpaste, Tourism
January 18, 20, 25, 27
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Who Should Attend
This program is meant for non-marketing executives as well as new practitioners with less than 2 years of experience. It is also useful for marketing support teams or partners / allied agencies.

Chiqui Escareal - Go
CEO and Chief Behavioral Strategist
Author/Co-author/editor of 9 marketing and entrepreneurship books
Former Chair of the Women’s Business Council Philippines
Finished the Advanced Management Program 2018 (IESE Business School New York and Barcelona)
Executive Scholar in Marketing and Sales (Kellogg Business School, Northwestern University)
Took advanced marketing programs at Columbia Business School (CEIBS campus), Harvard Business School, University of California-Berkeley
Certified Master Coach (by the Behavioral Coaching Institute) and Certified Appreciative Inquiry Training Facilitator (by Company of Experts USA)
Go Negosyo Enabler Awardee 2014; ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network Awardee 2015
Candidate for M.A. in Anthropology, University of the Philippines (course-work done; thesis pending)